A Message From The Mayor


The City of Cole Camp and the Benton County R-I School District are cooperating to decrease the amount of dust on the road leading from Hwy. 52 to the school. The rain helped to decrease the amount of dust but other things will help even more. A dust treatment has been applied to the road and it will continue to be effective for about six months. The road is in the school zone so the speed limit is 15 mph. The school has posted speed limit signs at the entrance of the road from Hwy. 52. Please keep your speed within the limit. The practice fields are used after school for many practices and the young ones do not always look before they cross the street. So please watch out for their safety as well.

The stop sign on Maple Street at Junge street has been replaced. It is difficult to see approaching vehicles as they come near Junge Street so be sure to come to a complete stop before turning onto or crossing Junge Street. If not, you may earn a traffic ticket from one of our police officers.
Our City Hall is getting a facelift this week. The windows are being replaced because they are the original windows and are very loose in the frames. Two of the trees were removed to allow this work to be done and to improve the looks of the façade. Alderwoman Mindy Fox has undertaken the project of sorting the numerous boxes of old records that are stored there. She and her husband Levi are also clearing out the accumulation of broken and unused items that have been stored in the now unused portions of the building. Nothing of value will be discarded and records will be digitized if appropriate. Records are maintained according to Missouri State statues.