At their April 11 meeting, members of Chapter EN, P.E.O., learned that the woman the chapter sponsored for a Continuing Education Grant had been selected to receive $4,000 towards her completion of a degree in certified nursing home administration. Kristi Kenney helped the applicant complete the application for the grant, and will present the check to her at a future meeting.
For the program, Carmen Rather, Jessica Frencken and Brittany Pickens spoke about the Pediatric Place, which started with three child therapists in a small office on Ohio and now occupies an entire building on 2nd Street in Clinton and as well as a clinic in Knob Noster. The Autism Center being built next to the Clinton clinic is scheduled to open in a few months, with the public invited to an open house on June 21.
The chapter’s 2024-25 yearbooks, with President Nancy Gillard’s theme, “The Future’s So Bright” on the cover, were distributed. At the April meeting, Nancy and Chapter EN officers initiated Shirley Mincey into the chapter, bringing the number of current members to 46.
Social events on the chapter calendar include a spring luncheon prior to the May 9 meeting, a Bunko Party at Clinton Country Club in June, and an outing to Vaile Mansion and lunch in Independence in August. A patio party with spouses is planned for September, and a Christmas luncheon will be held in December.
Linda Wilson, corresponding secretary, read letters from P.E.O. International acknowledging Chapter EN’s donations of $500 each, for a total of $2,000, to Cottey College and three P.E.O. projects: STAR Scholarships for graduating high school seniors, Program for Continuing Education grants for women and International Peace Scholarships for women from other countries to study in the U.S. and Canada.
After the meeting, Adele Bernard and Dana Street served cake and cookies decorated like daisies.
Cottey College, a women’s college in Nevada, Mo., is owned and supported by P.E.O., which has chapters through the United States and Canada. In support of higher education opportunities for women, P.E.O. also awards $20,000 merit-based scholarships to women completing doctoral degrees, and offers low-interest loans to women to pay for college or trade school expenses. Applicants must be sponsored for projects by a P.E.O. chapter in their area.
Organized in 1925, Chapter EN meets on the second Thursday of the month at First Presbyterian Church.