Church News


Unity Of The Lakes

We trust everyone will have/had a wonderful Thanksgiving. This Sunday 11/26/23 Rev. Don will be at Unity of the Lakes. His service is "Thanks Receiving". Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. Join us as we give thanks for all that we have and will receive. Charles Fillmore said, at then depth of the depression, "Oh, but I have a very wealthy father." Focused on God, we receive our good. Scripture says, "Fear not little flock. It is the fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom". Service is 11 am followed by refreshments and fellowship. Dress is casual and all are welcome. We are located 8 miles south of Warsaw on highway 65. Our physical address is 34948 Hwy 65 South. Follow us on Facebook.

From The Pastor's Desk

My Story
I was saved at home on August, 23 at 11:30 PM in 1978. That coming Sunday, I started going to Seminole Baptist Temple, a fundamental Baptist church in Springfield, MO. 
Everything was new to me. As I drove to church, I passed every kind of church you could think of and wondered if I should be going to one of those churches instead. 
So I began to study the doctrines of different churches. I even took Bible studies offered by various churches. I listened to every preaching tape I could get my hands ahold of. I read book after book. I went to Christian book stores.
Fifty men met at 7:00 AM on Sundays at Seminole for prayer meeting. To this day, that was one of the most encouraging things I have ever attended. I couldn't wait for Sundays to come around.  After prayer meeting, I went out on the bus to pick up kids, got home at two, came back at six for Sunday evening. That was my first day in church.
 Started going on bus visitation on Saturdays and to preacher's workshop at 7:00 AM. Before long, I was going to the church almost everyday for something. I taught Sunday School and worked in the sound room. Preached in prisons and on the radio. Took a few classes at Baptist Bible College. Six years later, I surrended to preach. Inwardly, it was the most miserable six years of my life. Went full time to BBC and worked part time for the next four years. 
Read other Bible versions, always came back to the KJV. 
There are things about being a Baptist I don't like. They crucify divorced preachers and divorced people. I never married by the way. They brag when someone is saved in their ministry. 
I am Pastor Johnie J. Logue of Grace Baptist Church at 31046 Hwy, MM. Call me at (660) 281-4775.
Lincoln First Baptist Church
We collected 38 boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  Thank you to all who helped put those together.  We are collecting money for Poinsettias for Christmas. December is Lottie Moon Christmas offering month.  There will be an ordination of Dennis Brown December 3 at 2 pm at the FBC of Cole Camp.
Pastor Jesse’s sermon was from 2 Timothy 1.  There is a difference between happiness and joy.  Happiness is a mood and joy is always with you.  Joy in the heart is that God is with you and you are eternally secure.   You have the assurance that you are a child of God.  If you don’t feel this start reading the Bible and praying.
Paul was in prison but had joy because he knew Jesus.  We need to stir up the gift of God.  Don’t fear and work for Jesus Christ.  We need to have a sound mind.  To become a child of God you need a sound mind and know what your purpose is.  Your purpose is to work for God.  God gives us a commission to work for Him.
When things happen Jesus will get you through it.  Paul preached from prison but he still had joy because he knew Jesus.  Joy in your life will get you to heaven.  How can you have joy without a sound mind?   You will have a sound mind when you become a child of God.
We were the host church for the Community Thanksgiving service.  We had a wonderful service and fellowship afterward.   UNTIL NEXT WEEK GOD BLESS.
Hopewell Baptist Church
In Matthew 12:38-45 Jesus tells people things they are not prepared to hear. He’s talking to the religious leaders. They hate Jesus. He is a threat to their power. The Teachers tell Jesus they want a sign from Jesus that He is who He says He is, the Son of Man, Messiah, Savior of all mankind. The Hebrews believed in the Son of Man, and they wanted a sign. Jesus doesn’t like this – He’s already proved it – the lame walk, the blind see, and the dead walk again. Jesus tells them He can show them all day long, but it won’t make a difference to the religious leaders. He tells them they forgot who their God is, so He gives them the sign of Jonah, telling them they are the Jonah. The only sign you can expect is that I will go to the depths of the earth for three days and the earth will throw me up. Let’s not miss what Jesus is talking about. They wouldn’t believe it no matter who professed it. The Son of Man makes the dead walk and if you believe today, you won’t tomorrow.

The problem is, we believe when things are good. The question is, do you believe yesterday, today, and tomorrow, or just when things are good? Sometimes we make wrong choices and say wrong things. What happens when we’re wrong? Are we the type who can admit when we are wrong? Do we believe in Jesus or not? We all have doubts. The same things were true for Jesus’ disciples. Jesus was still good, and Jesus was still God. Nothing changes how good our God is. He will be good every step of the way. He is just good. Only He heals and forgives. Give it all to Jesus and follow Him. Be confident that Jesus is enough! There’s no special prayer, just tell Him you need Him. Let’s follow Jesus!

Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m., and Sunday and Wednesday Bible Study at 6 p.m. Watch us live at 11 a.m. on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.


Warsaw Christian Church

And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming -2 Thessalonians 2:8

Paul speaks here of the end of the age. The lawless one is the one who rejects God’s Law, the final Antichrist. Many antichrists have appeared throughout history. This will be the last of the evil rulers of the world. The mouth (Greek “stomos”) of Jesus will destroy him. That is, the words of Jesus will end the lies of the lawless one. The word destroy in Greek is “katargeo.”It basically means to bring to nothing. When Jesus comes, He will forever put the final Antichrist and his followers out of commission! Evil will be banished from the universe forever. It is the final collision of two teams if you will. Christ and Antichrist. Just make sure you are on the right team!