Lincoln First Baptist Church
Welcome to September. It doesn’t seem possible that this year is almost gone. God has been good to us this year. We have had families join the church. We had a great attendance today for worship. It is good to see young people attending. Congratulations to the Lincoln football Cardinals on their first win of the season. The youth are planning a fall event in October. There will be games, food and a hay ride among other things. We had a fun time last year and hope this year is as good or better.
It is always good to enjoy being in church. People should enjoy going to church. We had some laughter in service today before the preacher began his sermon. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits today.
Psalm 84 was Pastor Jesse’s text today. The Lord has a since of humor and laughing is good for the soul. We are also called to respect the house of the Lord but enjoy our time there. Enjoy being close to the Lord. God knows our strength and weaknesses. We grow in the Lord everyday. Don’t worry what people think about you because your Savior is your strength.
Be happy in God because He has given us what we have. God will not rob you of your blessings. We rob ourselves of those blessings. Walk uprightly in the Lord.
Warsaw Christian Church
There is a line in an old song that says, “Little things mean a lot.” That is true for Christian behavior. Sometimes, we assume that we are in good spiritual condition if we do not violate any of the big commandments. We don’t kill or steal. We don’t worship idols, so we are good Christians, right? Maybe, maybe not. One of the little things that can ruin our Christian testimony is found in 1 Cor. 13, where Paul reminds us that “Love is not rude.” Maybe you don’t rob a bank, but what if you are rude to the teller?
We may not think of rudeness as a serious sin, but I wonder how many people have turned away from the Christian faith because of rude behavior by Christians.
I recall one well-known pastor in Decatur, IL, who did not like tobacco smoke in a restaurant. He once bragged to me that he went to the table of a smoker, removed his gum from his mouth, and placed it on the plate of the offender. He said, “Since you were so kind as to share your smoke with me, I thought I would share my gum.” I laughed at the time, but I wondered what kind of witness that made. I don’t like tobacco smoke either, but is it a good solution to be rude?
We have all been rude at times. The point is we need to think about how our rude behavior impacts non-Christians' lives. It may seem like a little thing, but if rude behavior discourages even one person from considering the claims of Christ, is it worth it? Think about it. Christians should be the politest persons on the face of the earth.
From The Pastor's Desk
What is your labor of love?
I Thessalonians 1:3, Hebrews 6:10
With Labor Day passing, I was reminded of the above passage. A labor of love is something performed voluntarily, totally out of love and not for monetary gain, reward, praise or to be seen by men.
I have four quick thoughts on this subject that I would like to share.
I. The life of the Lord Jesus Christ was a true labor of love. Everything that he did was motivated by His love for fallen mankind. Every moment was given to the extent of the obedience of God and to the extreme benefit of the world at large (John 3:16).
II. Just my observation and opinion, but I do not believe most things are not done with a labor of love in mind. Take the ministry for example. It is for monetary gain and the praise of man in many cases. A harsh statement? Maybe, but I have been around this for some 45 years so I have an educated opinion. Just last week, I was approached by a ministry and I used the word lightly, that wanted to help grow our church. Yet, they priced themselves out of my reach and probably the reach of many.
The prices of Christian videos, books and other materials are outrageous at times. Not all but many. Yes, some give their materials away and I know very well that it costs money to run a ministry but don't pretend you are doing something sorely for the glory of God when you are making a good living off doing so.
Would you do it , whatever it is, if you didn't get paid?
III. My third point is a question. What is your labor of love? What are you doing for the cause of Christ and your love for God? I heard people say they are Christians but do not go to church and have no ministry to speak of. They say they pray as if they are doing God a favor. By the way, attending church is a labor of love.
IV. For God is not unrighteous to forget your labor of love which you have shewed toward his name, in that you have ministered to the saints and do minster (Heb 6:10).
Not for treasures in heaven but for the glory of God. For the record, I know people who have a labor of love.
We have moved our revival back a week to September 16 and 17 at 6:00 PM. Grace Baptist Church is located at 31046 Hwy MM in Warsaw. Call (660) 281-4775.
Hopewell Baptist Church
In Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus shares the Parable of the Talents where a wealthy man goes away for a long time, entrusting his servants with bags of gold, one 5, one 3 and one 1, according to their ability. When he returns much later, the men with 5 and 3 bags of gold doubled their money and the Master is pleased. God gives us plenty, His grace, His love, blesses us, and gives us faith. The faith is centered around the gospel we’ve been entrusted with, and it changes the way we see everything in the world. The Bible is very clear, because we’ve been entrusted with faith, with Jesus, we are to share with other people. When the Master returns, he’s upset with the man who had 1 bag of gold, saying he could have put it in the bank and earned interest. He was given a great opportunity and did nothing with it. The Master gave this man’s gold to the man with 10 bags as he banished the servant who did not put his gold to good use. The Master didn’t expect as much from this servant, but he did expect him to try.
One day, our Master, Jesus will come back and He’s going to change the world into His image. He doesn’t change all things; He makes all things new! Some will choose not to put their faith in Jesus, and they will be cast out. There’s not much description of Hell except it’s unpleasant. God’s intention is not for anyone to go to Hell. Instead, He’s giving all of us gold – some accept, and some will not. Are we going to do something or not? We can be radically reshaped by the gospel and walk out the door and let Jesus transform our lives. We need to let the gospel change us day in and day out so the change, changes others through us. If Jesus has changed our lives, why wouldn’t we share with others? Let’s be servants, entrusted with something great, and do something with it! Let’s go out and change the world through Jesus!
Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m., regular Bible Study Wednesdays and Sundays at 6 p.m. with our Children’s Program Sundays at 5:30 p.m. Watch our service live at 11 a.m. Sunday mornings on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.
Unity Of The Lakes
This Sunday, September 8, Reverend Laura Barrett Bennett will be speaking on The Gateway of Freedom: George Lamsa, translator of the Bible from Ancient Eastern Manuscripts, called the Sermon on the Mount our “spiritual Constitution”. That would make the Beatitudes our “spiritual Bill of Rights”. Welcome to the first of two talks focused on the Beatitudes and inspired by the upcoming election and the changes of a new season. This Sunday, let us take a deep dive into the universal nature, practical wisdom, and healing power of the first four keys that unlock the gateway of freedom.
More information about Laura Barrett Bennett can be found at She is an ordained Unity Minister who has taught classes at Unity Worldwide Ministries for many years and is currently working on her Doctoral thesis. She and her husband reside in Overland Park, Kansas.
Please follow us on Facebook at Unity of the Lakes.
Join us for our 11:00 AM service followed by food and fellowship!
We are located about 8 miles south of town on 65 Hwy at 34948 Hwy 65 South, Warsaw MO 65355.