Church News


From The Pastor's Desk

What I believe

It is funny for this is one of the few times I have written this column from my desk. 

When I first came to Warsaw, I found most pastors did not actually believe the doctrines of their church. I should say instead that they added things hat was not compatible with their articles of faith .So what does Johnie J. Logue pastor of Grace Baptist church believe.?

 I will tell you and in no particular order.
1. I believe in one God .Isaiah 45:5
2. I believe in the trinity . Matthew 28:19;20
3. I believe in the eternal security of the blood bought believer. Hebrews 10:10-14
4. I believe in salvation by grace. Ephesians 2:8,9
5. I believe in conviction and repentance. 2 Cor 5:17
6. I believe in  believers baptism by immersion. Acts 9:37,38
7. I believe tongues and the gift of healing has ceased. I Cor 13. God heals.
8. I believe God saves souls not men. i am against easy believism and Calvinism. I Cor 3:5-9
9. I believe the Bible is the final authority of faith and practice. 2 Tim 3:16
10. I believe in going to Church. Heb 10:25
11. I believe in the priesthood of the believer . I Tim 2
12.I believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. John 14:6
13. I believe it is wrong to use His name in disrespect. Exodus 20
14. I believe in sex through marriage between a man and a woman.Genesis 2:24
15. I believe in the sanctuary of life. Psalm 139
16. I believe in a pre-trib rapture of the church.I Thess 4:15-18.I dont set dates and dont look at signs.
17. I believe in being born again. John 3:3
18. I believe the pastor is the overseer of the church . Acts 20:28
19. I believe UFO's and ghosts are demons. Eph 2:2
20. I believe in prayer to the Father and in Jesus name.Matt 6
Call me at (660) 281-4775.
Lincoln First Baptist Church
We had a great day in the Lord today.  Celebrating birthdays were Elijah Smith, Rick Winn, Lela and Deliah Wise and Sarah (forgot to get her last name).  We started a children church in worship service.  There has been alot of children who come up to hear the story.
One of our eldest members, Wilbur Wright fell and broke his hip and had surgery this past Monday.  We wish him well on his recovery.  Many others are in need of prayer.  Be in prayer for the upcoming election. 
We will have a fellowship dinner on November 3.  There will be alot of great food to eat.  Join us for worship and then for the dinner after church.  
I Corinthians 1 and 2 was the text for today's sermon.  None deserve the kingdom of God.  We have grace and mercy that we inherit.  God sees us as a child of God.  God has blessings laid up for us.  We need to be bold in Christ.  Our body is our temple and if we serve we are His.  Worry about the message we deliver in the way we live.  
Don't get higher than Jesus. Wisdom only comes from God.  A spiritual child weighs things out.  When you hear the word you want to go to heaven instead of hell.  There is a point in our lives that we have to choose.  When you sin you will know it is wrong if you know the Lord.
Unity Of The Lakes
Ordained Unity Minister, Reverend Sandra Duncan will talk on Sunday, November 3 at our 11 AM service.  Her talk title is:
Let Go, Let God: Embracing Divine Order through Gratitude!
Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
Letting go is an act of trust. It’s a conscious decision to step back from the ego and to recognize our partnership with Spirit.
With this being the month of thanksgiving let us explore!
Remember to turn your clocks back before you go to bed Saturday.
Please join us.  All are welcome!
Warsaw Christian Church

Shane Wood is a Professor of New Testament at Ozark Christian College in Joplin. He releases a brief video teaching weekly. One I watched was very applicable to me. I can’t give all the details of his teaching in this short article, but the essence of it had to do with faithfulness. Using the account of the Gadarene demoniac in Mark 5, Shane emphasizes the difference between “numerical success” and faithfulness.

Shane’s teaching is a comforting reminder that what God requires from each of us is not numerical success but unwavering faithfulness. We must all introspect and ask ourselves: Are we earnestly striving to be faithful to the Lord Jesus? If our hearts are set on serving Him with fidelity, that is all He asks of us. The outcomes, be they growth or decline, are in His hands.

Of course, how your church grows or declines is not the pastor’s job alone but a task we all share. Jesus told the Gadarene demoniac to return to his people and tell them what God had done for him. The Gaderene wanted to accompany Jesus personally, but Jesus said “No” to that request. As he faithfully obeyed what the Lord told him to do, many in that area came to believe in Jesus.

The pastor’s job is to preach and teach biblical truth faithfully, especially the Gospel of Jesus. Our job is to tell others what Jesus has done for us and encourage them to trust and follow Jesus. If we are faithful, God will take care of the results. Whether we are a mega-church or a small church, we want to be loyal to Jesus.

Hopewell Baptist Church

In Matthew 27:1-1 the Religious Leaders are handing Jesus over to Pilot to be dealt with. Is Judas thinking Jesus won’t be killed, did he only want the money? We don’t really know Judas’ personal motivation. Maybe Judas is tricked by Satan himself. But when Judas sees Jesus being led to the Roman’s, he recognizes he’d done the wrong thing and he feels deep shame, knowing what will happen next. Judas seeks absolution to be forgiven for what he had done, so he goes to the Temple to return the 30 pieces of silver saying I have sinned because I have betrayed innocent blood. The Temple Leaders ask what does that have to do with us? Judas leaves the money there, throwing the bag into the Temple. The Chief Priests pick up the money saying they cannot return it to the Treasury because it’s blood money. Everyone knows what’s going on, they’ve lied, they bought false testimony, so they launder the money, and buy a potter’s field to be a cemetery for foreigners. Are they trying to cover up the wrong they’ve done to their own people? God sees everything and so do the people. Judas has already condemned himself, so he hangs himself. Judas is in the depth of his hurt.

When we are at our worst – where is our hope. Judas doesn’t know to look to Jesus. All he hears is the shame, a tool Satan uses against us. Shame does not speak the truth about us, and it never will. We are who our Father sees us as. He sees our sin and still loves us. His desire is that we live in His hope alone. Jesus sees us right now. Find the redemption. All we need to see is Jesus. Judas thought he was doing it right taking his own life, but he was wrong. We are worth redemption because God made us, and He loves us, and nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus! When we are hurting, we need to look to Jesus!

School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m., regular Bible Study Wednesdays and Sundays at 6 p.m. with our Children’s Program Sundays at 5:30 p.m. Watch our service live at 11 a.m. Sunday mornings on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.