With a short agenda on hand, Mayor Eddie Simons called the Warsaw City Council meeting to order on November 18 at 6:00 PM.
Aldermen Adam Howe, Rob Coskey, Eric Flores, James White and Alderwomen Lou Breshears and Reba Slavens were all in attendance. City Clerk Jessi Kendall recorded the minutes.
The first order of business approved a consent agenda and payment of bills as motioned by Breshears and seconded by Coskey. The lone visitor on the evening's agenda was Tiffany Jaegers from Winter-Dent & Company who presented the proposed insurance renewal for city employees to the board for consideration. Ms. Jaegers 2025 proposal included an "unheard of" increase of juast 4.52% "as-is" or 8.60% to include additional benefits for dental and vision coverage. The board will consider all options at upcoming budget meetings.
In other business, following a motion made by Breshears and seconded by Flores, the board voted to pass Bill Number 2024-38, Ordinance No. 565, an ordinance authorizing the Mayor of Warsaw to execute a grant agreement by and between the City of Warsaw and the Department of Economic Development and Executive Branch Agency of the State of Missouri, Missouri ARPA Community revitalization grant program, Federal award number SLFRP4542. That bill, essentially, approves and provides funding for the project consisting of widening along the south side of Main Street from Illinois Street to Dogwood Drive to provide a bicycle lane, curb and gutter, and enclosed storm sewer, sidewalks, lighting and landscaping with reconstruction of existing driveways.
With no old business or further discussion, the council exited into executive session at approximately 6:14 PM following a motion made by Breshears and seconded by Howe.
The City of Warsaw holds it's meetings regularly on the first and third Monday's of the month at 6:00 PM.
All are welcome and encouraged to attend.