Cole Camp Class Of 2027 Hosts Annual Freshman Dinner
THE COLE CAMP CLASS OF 2027 freshmen dinner was a success! The class and sponsors would like to thank the community for their unwavering support in all our school's fundraising efforts. Without you, we would not be able to have such successful programs and activities at our school. A special thank you to the parents who volunteered to help cook and to those who also prepared side dishes and desserts, Rachel Bale from our kitchen staff for her efforts and Brenda Bohon for providing the delicious fried chicken recipe and materials.
THE COLE CAMP CLASS OF 2027 freshmen dinner was a success! The class and sponsors would like to thank the community for their unwavering support in all our school's fundraising efforts. Without you, we would not be able to have such successful programs and activities at our school. A special thank you to the parents who volunteered to help cook and to those who also prepared side dishes and desserts, Rachel Bale from our kitchen staff for her efforts and Brenda Bohon for providing the delicious fried chicken recipe and materials.