Cole Camp Museum To Display Quilts At Warsaw Show


During the regular monthly meeting of the Cole Camp Museum it was noted contact had been made with the electrician about the outside front lights. He said he would investigate why they aren’t working. Under other maintenance subjects the donation jar was reported on. Kathy Bruner stated Diana Ball has the FSA at the school working on creating a donation jar that is visible but secure to avoid any funds being removed from the container.

The Treasurer reported the Cole Camp Fair Board had given the Museum a check for $100 for its use of Museum water during the 3 day event. He also noted the Museum had received $270 in Memorials from June Hunter-Bowen. Suzanne Lutjen stated the museum needs to have a Memorial Brick engraved for Hunter-Bowen. Joe Brockman said he would take care of that project.

Dianne Peck reported that Diana Burdick would like to do her rug weaving for crafting demonstrations from time to time, possibly outside the museum to draw in visitors. The idea was warmly accepted and it is hoped she might be available during the Oktoberfest.

President Wienberg stated a Benton County R-I student had approached him about the museum possibly buying an ad in the High School Yearbook. After a discussion, it was decided to buy the 1/8 page ad at $45.00 to support the printing of the Tattler.

Peck requested permission to take two of the many quilts that the museum has and display them, along with their stories at the Benton County Museum Quilt Show held in their entity during the month of October. Everyone agreed and Peck said she would transport them to Warsaw. Along that same subject of reaching out it was decided to consider creating a collection of Cole Camp history and memorabilia for display in the county museum. That will be a project for the upcoming winter months.

Next meeting will be in the Museum and will be at 2:00 PM on Thursday, October 17, 2024