Cole Camp's Brauersville Church To Celebrate 175 Years Of Fellowship


One of the older churches in the Cole Camp area will celebrate its 175th anniversary on Sunday, September 15, 2024.

The day will begin with a worship service at 10:30 a.m. Then a pot luck dinner (meat will be provided) will be held in the fellowship hall. If anyone has photographs they want to share they are encouraged to do so. Two quilts are being raffled off for worthy causes. The Red Letter Edition, Blue grass Band will perform. The public is invited to attend.

Brauersville Lutheran Church has long been known for its tradition of hanging their Christmas tree from the ceiling instead of having it in a base on the floor. A custom they brought with them from Germany. They have clung to their traditions and it is a close knit congregation.

This quote fits this small, peaceful country church so well. “The mark of a great church is not how many people come, but how many people live differently for having been there.”