The weather in the Fristoe area has been spring-like in some ways but still has some really cool times. The area needs some moisture to bless the gardens that have been planted.
Prayer requests for this week are Mary Jackman Crouch, Kathy First, Amber First, Carolee Apperson, Lewis Retherford, Gladys Harris, Cheri Lynn Boehler, Curtis Allen, and Mary Scarbrough!
Happy Birthday shout-outs this week to Rusty Vaughn on March 27, Janie Burns on April 1 and Patience Colbert on April 3.
It is with much regret that I must mention that Jesse Crouch, who I have listed for several weeks for prayer requests, passed away last week and was laid to rest in the Windsor Cemetery on Saturday, March 23. He leaves his daughter Connie Crouch Cunningham and three brothers. One thing I will mention is that Jesse enjoyed the Cowboy Church that was held in the Fristoe Community Building for several years. He would drive from his home in Windsor and enjoy the evening of worship at the Cowboy Church. Jesse was well liked by many!
We received a wonderful update from Gracie Yoder describing her days of ministry in Guatemala. Sundays are their day of rest but she said on Monday they worked with the Birdhouse Foundation. They also do house visits and teach English and Bible classes. They are at the base of a volcano about an hour away from Parramos where she lives on the Adventures in Missions base. Later in the week, they will do some street evangelism, help with women Bible study and a children's soccer program. They will also have activation so when the whole squad of about 50 have workshop and a session at base then go out on the streets and put into practice what they have learned. Friday's and Saturday's they go to a school and teach classes, clean rooms, do gardens and practice discipline. She is very excited for the ministry there and are asking for prayers that the Lord will move through their team and will use the team for the months they will continue to be there. Thank you Gracie, and everyone reading this, please say a prayer for this ministry!
The Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church was blessed on Sunday morning, as usual. Special singing was provided by Claude and The Lighthouse Singers, Ken, DoBee, Brenda and Tony, then Br. Dave and Brenda! Br. Smith's message was found in Luke chapter 15, the story of the prodigal son.
Thought for the week: Whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted!
Hoping everyone who reads Fristoe News has a wonderful week, full of love, laughter and blessings!