The Fristoe area has had great weather this past week and area gardeners are enjoying their produce from the gardens; sweet onions, lettuce, radishes just to name a few things.
The Fristoe News offers condolences to the friends, neighbors, family and loved ones of Luther Jordan. Luther was well known at the Fristoe Community (Tri-Lakes) Cowboy Church held in the Fristoe Community Building. Luther was a main music provider for all the time he was part of the Fristoe Cowboy Church. We send our many sympathies.
Got a news tip from Beth Bybee Arvidson (Joyce Bybee's daughter) announcing there will be a "going away" celebration for Margaret "Peggy" Tess as she is moving to Arizona at the end of May to be near her son. This going away party is on Sunday, April 21 at Turkey Creek Church of the Brethren of Fristoe. The day will start with Sunday School at 9:30 AM with church service at 10:45 AM, followed by a potluck lunch! From 1:00 PM-3:00 PM, there will be a reception, live music and fellowship and visitation. Beth also reminds everyone that the Turkey Creek Church of the Brethren of Fristoe celebrates it's 135 YEAR anniversary! I thank her much for sending me news items. I appreciate it greatly!
Prayers this week for Kathy First, Amber First, Carolee Apperson, Cherie Boecher, Gladys Harris, Curtis Allen and Mary Scarbrough.
Birthday shoutouts for Wyett Hilburn from his family and friends, he celebrates next Tuesday, April 23; my son, Adam, on April 24; and Layne Bumgartner as he celebrates his birthday on April 25.
More news from Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church! Missionaries Peter and Pam VanDerDecker will be visiting the church on Sunday, April 28 to share what has taken place since they visited last. After the church service, the church will serve a lunch.
Church was very spirit filled with Sunday School having the last adult lesson in this unit which was entitled Live Victoriously In Christ from 1 John chapter 5. Specials were sung by Claude and The Lighthouse Singers and Dave Cunningham did a special song! Br. Smith's message was found in Deuteronomy Chapter 6. He brought many scriptures telling how parents should handle their children when they are growing up.
Thought for the week: It is great to be a Christian and know it BUT it is much better to be a Christian and show it! Christ's disciple's have love one to another!
Hoping everyone has a great week with good health and much happiness!