The Fristoe area was blessed with much needed rain the past week, just what gardens and yards with flowers needed. The farmers are preparing tractors and equipment to begin for haying season in south Benton County.
Prayer requests this week are for Adam Smith, Kathy First, Gladys Harris, Carolee Apperson and Mary Scarbrough.
We also send prayers for the family of William "Bill" Gorman, the uncle of several residents of this area. Bill was born in this area and married a young woman from the Climax Springs area, Stella Park. Bill was uncle to Dean Arnett, Glenda Arnett Helmig Malecki and Edna Arnett West, as Stella was the sister of the Arnett's mom Pauline Park Arnett. Bill loved to ride his motorcycle and it was a motorcycle wreck that took his life a week ago. The funeral was held Saturday, June 1 at Reser's in Warsaw and he was buried in the Climax Springs Cemetery with many of his wife's family, the Park's. He will be greatly missed by his family.
It is with regret that we mention local area Fristonian Lew Massey also passed away on May 24. Lew had been in the Lincoln Health facility for several months. There will be a memorial service for Lew at a later date.
The Inman family of Fristoe held a memorial celebration for Fristoe's favorite grandma, Rose Inman on Saturday, June 2 in the Fristoe Community Building. Rose passed away several weeks ago.
Got to visit with Gracie Yoder this week as Gracie is at home for a couple weeks to enjoy time with her mom, dad and brother, Hilo. It was a good thing I got to spend a few minutes with her during last week as she is going to the state of Pennsylvania this coming Tuesday to do some missionary steps now. Gracie was truly blessed during her missionary work this past year. As before, remember to mention Gracie in your prayer requests each week!
I am sending a big Happy Birthday shoutout to Ryleigh, my granddaughter who lives in Kearney/Holt MO. Ryleigh will have her 17th birthday on Tuesday June 11.
The Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church had a wonderful "Brush Arbor Revival" the past week that people came far and wide to be blessed. The revival services were moved into the building only one night due to rain. God is good.
Thought for the week: A person is rich according to what they are, not according to what they have! Think: God is like scotch tape. You can't see him, but you know He's there!
Hope everyone reading the Fristoe News has a GREAT week!