Fristoe News


The Fristoe weather was hot this week but there was a cooling off on Sunday and moisture fell that made things much better. With this being September 22, it means this is the 1st day of Fall. We will have to see what the weather is like for these three months.

Happy Birthday shoutouts for last week covered everyone through the last day of September.

Prayers for this week are same as have been for several weeks with the exception of Bud Hatch, husband of Patti Hatch, who both attend church at Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church. Pray for Bud please as he is taking treatments against a type pf cancer. Also remember Kathy First, Lewis Retherford, Gladys Harris, Carolee Apperson and Mary Scarbrough.

Keep in mind the fundraiser that will be held on October 26 at 11:00 AM till 4:00 PM to raise money to replace the roof on the Bethel Campground Church. This fundraiser is being put forth by the cemetery board and there will be a chili/ham and beans dinner, pie auction, silent auction and raffle. This will be held on October 26 at the Edwards Community Center on Highway 7 in Edwards!

Also remember the fish fry the Antwiler Park Board holds every Fall at the Fristoe Community Building. This year it is being held on October 26 at 5:00 PM.

As I began sending a copy of the Fristoe News to Nancy Tackis when her and husband Darin sold their place just out of Fristoe, bought a boat and began living on the boat, and for the last several years close to docks off Louisiana; I receive notes from her once in a while and got one last week saying they had a visitor who was a neighbor from Fristoe when they lived here, Cindy Elliot. She had a wonderful visit and wanted me to share her news with others. Thank you Nancy, and you and Daren have a great Fall this year.

I had a wonderful church service Sunday as my niece Patty and nephew Robert Helmig visited. They both said they would be back when they could. Adult Sunday School is still studying Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. This week was the teaching of the first Priest, Aaron and his sons. Larry did a wonderful job singing "Using My Bible For A Roadmap" and Br. Dave sang a great special also. Br. Smith brought his message from the book of Nehemiah, chapter 12; a study that really touched home as it was about building a wall. Amazing!

Thought for the week: Something we learned in church . . . Feed your faith and doubts will starve to death!

Hope everyone who reads this paper has a wonderful week with love, happiness and much prosperity!