Our Presidential election is shaping up to be a barn burner. President Biden dropped out of the race on Sunday. Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! The President didn’t drop out, he was forced out. How can they shout “Democracy is at stake” then stage a coup against the duly elected nominee of their party? The oligarchs will install their handpicked replacement, who won’t be able to appropriate Joe’s war chest. Bet that doesn’t stop them. The real scandal here is the cover up of the President’s health. Vice-President Harris is knee deep in it. She’s the only one with the authority to act and protect the country from the President’s decline and she’s seeking the nomination. What a tangled web!
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Speaking of the election, there’s lots of hurrah about Voter ID laws. There were protests over the weekend by folks who say that asking for an ID is unfair and “Disenfranchises them.” The thought that people should be allowed to vote without proving who they say they are, is RIDICULOUS! You have to laugh at these people trying to defend cartoon characters, illegal aliens and dead people voting. Yet they say nothing when states are forced to throw away ballots from soldiers stationed overseas because they arrive a few days late.
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There was a big problem last week with a software glitch that hit many businesses including banks and airlines. Wonder if our addiction to technology will be our undoing? Will we reach a point where we’re incapable of functioning after a power outage? We were told this fiasco was not a security incident or cyber attack. How do we know? Would they tell us if China was behind it? I remember when they told us, “It is not a lab leak.” Meanwhile, we all plod along with little control over what comes next.
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INTERNATIONAL NEWS! Archaeologists have discovered a royal seal from the ancient Hittite Empire. It warns, “Whoever breaks this will die.” The seal dates to the second millennium B.C. I don’t think this is something to be trifled with. The object belonged to either a sovereign king or queen. King Tut had a similar warning at the entrance to his tomb. Howard Carter broke the seal and died shortly after. Sometimes it’s best to leave well enough alone. That’s true for many things. Or as JWB says, “Don’t borrow trouble.”
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I’m talking too much with my fingers right now and will mercifully call a halt to this rambling. Peace and joy to you Old Buddy.
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'Til Next Week: