Have I Got A Line For You!


Election night was a barn burner and President Trump is the “Comeback kid.” President Biden graciously invited The Donald for a visit on a Wednesday. Not so gracious are officials who already have their knives out. New York Attorney General Leticia James and Governor Hochul said, “They’re prepared to fight back.” UNBELIEVABLE! The defenders of democracy prepared to fight and rage against the outcome of the democratic process. Who is the real threat to democracy here? We’re just 67 days until Inauguration Day and I wonder what other shenanigans are in the works?
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Speaking of time, 2024 will soon head into the dustbin of history. What will 2025 bring? Probably all kinds of strange things. A lady in Colorado says the world will end on January 2. She’s driving across the country in her mini-van to warn people to “Get their affairs in order.” If she’s right and that’s all the time we have left, worrying about our affairs isn’t at the top of my agenda. A big Kansas City strip steak and a pint of Baskin-Robbins is more pressing. Strange to are the birds that fell out of the sky in Chicago. Thousands of them for no apparent reason. Those bird carcasses reminded me of my great Aunt Casey’s backyard. In the spring and summer it always looked like a casting call for a remake of “The Birds.” She had countless bird feeders that attracted all sorts of creatures, including squirrels. I always likened this to an avian buffet with squirrels tossed in for her cat.
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Read an article this morning that schools in France are banning cell phones in the classroom. Hey, that’s not a bad idea, is it? It will be interesting to see what impact this has on bullying among school age children there. I do wish we had cell phones back in the stone ages. The calculator app would have come in handy during algebra class. What will the French students do for a diversion now? Maybe they’ll have to look out the window or at their books.
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Monday was Veteran’s Day and the song “Mademoiselle from Armentiers” came to mind about World War 1. A long time ago that war was called the “The War To End All Wars.” Very few soldiers survived that served in the hell of trenches, rats and poison gas. God rest their souls.
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Listen Old Buddy, greet the day with open arms and make the best of it and I plan to do the same.
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'Til Next Week: