In conjunction with National Library Week and National Library Outreach Day, the Henry County Library is pleased to announce an update to Book Express. This community outreach service was established to give patrons with mobility issues and lack of transportation the ability to access library materials.
Traditionally, homebound Book Express patrons have placed book requests via telephone with a designated individual picking up and returning the materials on their behalf. This process is “due” for a change!
Book Express will be expanding its outreach to further accommodate patrons by making home deliveries to those living in Henry County with accessibility issues. The library will soon begin making weekly material drop offs and pick ups to those enrolling in the service. An announcement will be made in the near future with program details and enrollment information.
The Henry County Library strives to meet the needs of all community members and fulfill its mission of enriching lives, promoting knowledge, and providing recreation. For questions regarding library services, please contact 660-885-2612.