Ancient of Days
As one reads through the Bible we come in contact with phrases that arouse us to thought. One such term is Ancient of Days. What is God talking about? Could he actually be talking about something outside of our usual human comprehension? We humans at this time are, in effect, prisoners of time. We live in a world of beginnings and endings. For that reason, God tells us that He’s the Alpha and the Omega. We can vaguely comprehend that statement.
In all truth, God is in a dimension beyond time that our natural minds can’t comprehend. He lives in the Everlasting. He had no beginning and he has no end. Are you confused? So am I. In all truth, we can’t by our own reason or strength come to Him or believe in Him so He helps us. He’s surrounded us with an incredible creation which we can view through telescope or microscope. The heavens proclaim His glory. We measure it in terms of light years, which is the distance a beam of light can travel in a year at 186,000 miles per second.
What am I saying? Well, God knows how to put us in our place. He says, “You listen and let me do the talking.” He gives us something that we can comprehend. It’s called the Bible. This document speaks to us in plain terms but we have to get off our intellectual high horse to just absorb it. The book has a unique power to bring us into absolute truth when we open up our little safeguards that allow us to reject it so we can do our own thing.
To some the above are familiar concepts but to some, these are fighting words. Before you throw the Bible under the bus, do something for yourself. Pray a simple prayer. Ask God to show you anything He wants to show. Here’s the catch. Be very sincere when you ask Him. When He answers, don’t argue with Him.