EACH MONTH one student is chosen from each North Elementary classroom as the Student of the Month. These students are ones who exemplify P.R.I.D.E. at our school. At North Elementary, we look for students who: P.- Practice Kindness- use kind words and actions, help others, and take turns; R.- Show Respect- use materials and equipment correctly, are on time, and follow directions; I.-Inspire Others- make healthy choices, are good problem solvers, and practice safety; D.- Do Your Best- show a positive attitude, listen, and complete their work; E.- Everyone is Included- share, encourage, and include others. October Students of the Month are. front row: Addalyn Holloway, Lillyian Shope, James Coskey, Brynlee Reser; middle row: Brock Parker, Willow Kelsey, Josie Parker, Brady Spry, Ciara Fox, Zoreen Pannu; back row: Diamonya Kerns, Rex Koski, Bentyn Young, Rayden Rhule, Serenity Andregg, Emily Helstern, Bailey Steenburgen, Olivia Daughenbaugh; Not Pictured: Ulyana West, Rayne Tabone.