Church News


Warsaw Christian Church

Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.
-Galatians 1:3-5

Grace and peace are two of Paul’s favorite words. God’s grace, His reaching out to save us even though we are unworthy, has brought us into the kingdom of God. Knowing we are among the redeemed brings peace to us. These two blessings flow to us because of God’s love and the sacrifice of His Son.
Notice also that Jesus not only delivered us from our sins, He delivered us from this present evil age. Do you realize that the age we live in as we await the return of Jesus is evil? Yes, there are good people, and yes, there are faithful Christians, but evil is characteristic of the world in which we live. John warns us, “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” -1 John 2:15.
We don’t want to fall in love with this world where evil abounds. While we appreciate the good things God has placed in the world, our love for God must transcend our love for the world. If you fall in love with this world, you admit that you do not love God. Our duty as Christians is not to love this evil world but to do what we can to transform it through our service to Jesus. Jesus will complete the transformation process when He returns.

From The Pastor's Desk

Some Place Green

In preparing a message for St. Patrick's Day. I thought about The Oak Ridge Boys song, "Some Place Green." Do yourselves a favor and download the tune for free sometime. It should have been a big hit.
At the ball game in Springfield the other day, they played, "All My Ex's Live in Texas".
The high schools here play The House of the Rising Sun at ball games which is about prostitution; or Hotel California, a song about drugs, mental illness and high living.
The song Wooly Bully was banned from radio in the sixties. We play it here.
The Statler Brothers biggest hits were about sex. Most country songs are.
Coaches can't talk without using profanity. I know, I am wasting my time here, because we are spiritually dead.
In the aforementioned song, the country side is green, the city is gray and heaven is gold. The singer has lost his wife and is remembering better times. I guess it was too good to have been popular in our fallen world.
I am Pastor Johnie J. Logue of Grace Baptist Church at 31046 Hwy MM in Warsaw. Phone is (660) 281-4775.

Lincoln First Baptist Church

Hello from First Baptist Lincoln. Hope your Palm Sunday was great. Don’t forget this Friday the 29th is Good Friday and also the 31st is Easter Sunday. Attend a service in your area to experience Christ love. Today we wish Kevin Jacobs and Tina Kliaber a happy birthday. There were a lot of youth in attendance at Sunday School today. Our church is growing so keep praying for everyone and the church.
Youth will be going to Bennett Springs on the 29th for a fishing trip. It is time to help stock up items at the camp for the spring and summer. Also there is a drive to improve the pool and pool house. If you can help any way please do so.
John 21 was the text for today. Pray without ceasing. Do you have things in order? Jesus needs to be the most important thing in our lives. All people need to be fit to pray and when we pray it needs to be to get things out of your way. God already knows what you have done. Say it out loud when you are praying alone. Who do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see a child of God? It is amazing what you can do if you ask Jesus. We are very small without Jesus Christ. We serve a big God.
The disciples were fishing and catching nothing until Jesus came by. He told them to throw the net out on the other side of the boat where they caught 153 fish. Jesus was Peter’s hero. He wanted to be close to Jesus. Jesus needed Peter also. We need Jesus also. Jesus is our Father.

Hopewell Baptist Church

In Matthew 17:14-20, a man kneels before Jesus because the disciples couldn’t heal his son. Jesus has limited time on earth. Jesus has a weight on his heart. He’s going to die soon, and no one is really concerned or understands, and they’re not ready for what is going to happen next. Jesus tells them to bring the boy to Him. He tells the demon to come out of the boy and then there was peace, and the disciples ask what they did wrong. Jesus had given them the authority and they finally have the chance to do it, and the demon would not listen to them. Jesus’ response hurts, but it’s solid, and the disciples needed to hear it. He tells them they have such little faith. Then He tells them they need to have faith of a mustard seed, so small, but it grows. If our faith is growing, we can move mountains, we can do the impossible. Jesus tells them they couldn’t cast out the demon because their faith has stopped growing. Jesus tells them they weren’t ready.
We sometimes feel like the disciples. We think we should be prepared, but Jesus says, that’s why I’m here – we weren’t ready yet. We need to have faith, and believe Jesus is in control. We might be surprised how much we can handle with faith. Faith starts out tiny, but it grows with everything we go through. Jesus tells the disciples they’ve seen all the brilliant things, and this is their first heartbreak. Jesus tells them to keep growing. We may not feel like we have the answers, but Jesus does because He is enough. Knowledge of faith is not growing, and the question is, are we really building our faith. Are we going to grow or sit in the dirt. If we’re stuck, we can pray, Jesus, we need more faith. Dear Jesus move our feet, move our hearts and take us on an awesome ride.
Join us Easter Sunday morning for a revised schedule with Hopewell men cooking breakfast at 7:00 a.m., Breakfast at 9:30 a.m., Easter Worship Service at 11 a.m., followed by a Children’s Egg Hunt at noon. You can also watch live at 11 a.m. on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.

Unity Of The Lakes

This Sunday 3/31/24 is a very special Sunday at Unity of the Lakes. It is Easter Sunday and Rev. Don will, present "The Resurrection". The scripture reference is John 20:1-18. Please join us as we learn more about the resurrection that took place more than 2000 years ago and the resurrection that is taking place within us now. The service will conclude with Holy Communion. This is the common union between you and God and is offered to all, whether you are a member of this church, another church or faith or none at all. This is between you and your God. The elements used are grape juice and bread. Service is 11 am, dress is casual and all are welcome. Come for service and stay for refreshments and fellowship. We are located 8 miles south of Warsaw on highway 65. We are the little country church on the east side of the road. We are small in size but large in spirit. After all, Jesus only had twelve and he changed the world! If you want to set your GPS (God's power steering) our physical address is 34948 Hwy 65 South. Follow us on Facebook. We have some exciting things coming up and would love to have you join us.