Church News


Warsaw Christian Church

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.
-Titus 3:5

How can I receive salvation? Other religions tell you to live right and perform the correct rituals, and maybe God will save you. Some religions teach that God will save you if your good deeds outweigh your sins. Other religions take a “do it yourself” approach to finding God.
Our Christian faith takes a different approach. Nothing we do, no amount of righteous deeds we do, can earn God’s favor. Our salvation rests entirely upon God’s mercy. Mercy and merit are two very different things. Merit says we must earn God’s favor by doing right. Christianity says God saves us by granting mercy to us when we trust in His Son. He regenerates and renews us through the gift of the Holy Spirit. Salvation is a gift we do not deserve. What kind of God do you prefer? One who makes heavy demands we cannot keep, or a God of mercy. If you think you can measure up to the demands and requirements of God, good luck. I vote for a God of mercy.

From The Pastor's Desk

Jesus Or The Lord Jesus Christ?
Some 17 times in I Corinthians chapter one, Paul refers to the Lord as Lord Jesus, the Lord Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus or Christ.
For the second week in a row, I might be stirring up a little controversy here.
It is not my intention to do so but something I have noticed over the years has bothered me for a long time. I do not know who is saved or who is not saved and I cannot put everyone in the same box. However, what I have noticed is that many, not all, that talk about Jesus live a casual lifestyle, hit and miss church if they go at all, and have a low regard for sin. Many who preach Jesus love to ask for money.
We are to confess the Lord Jesus. Romans 10: 9 and 10 Paul preached Jesus Christ to the Corinthians (I Cor 2:2).
Someone once referred to Jesus as their buddy. Ron Gross, my preacher friend who died last year was my buddy. Denny Henson, a dear friend and buddy also died last year. John Fowler is my longtime buddy. Joe Gettle is a high school buddy and former neighbor.
Jesus Christ is my friend as he once said but not my buddy in the same sense as the men I named. He is so much more. He is my God, my Lord and my Saviour.
A relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ will change your manner of dress, your language, in some cases the company you keep, your thinking pattern and your passion for life.
They were to name Him Jesus (Matt 1:21). There is no other name by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12). See Acts 4:10 (Jesus Christ of Nazareth).
I pray to Him and in His name. I will bow to the name Jesus one day.
From the moment I was saved in 1978, Jesus has been the Lord Jesus Christ to me.
The name Jesus is simple to say and I am thankful it is but I confess him as Lord to the glory of God." I say "thank you Jesus" when I find something I lost. I thank Him when I wake up in the morning.
If you can curse in his name then you better check up on your salvation. Is your Jesus, the Lord Jesus Christ?
I am Johnie J. Logue pastor of Grace Baptist Church at 31046 Hwy MM in Warsaw.

Lincoln First Baptist Church

Happy Easter from FBC of Lincoln. This past weekend was a celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ rising up out of the grave to give us eternal life with Him. It is great to the Lord’s children. Good Friday started by our youth and some adults going on a fishing trip to Bennett Springs. They had a lot of fun and caught fish to have later at a fish fry. Good Friday finished with a service at our church. It was a lovely evening with many church there and lovely music and specials intermingled with the reading of scripture and a message. Fellowship followed with lots of good food for all. The evening was very well attended with people who love the Lord.
Easter Sunday started with a breakfast at 9:30. There were a lot there to share in the good food. Afterward we enjoyed Worship at 10:30. Many families were in attendance who enjoyed the day together. Pastor read from Luke 24. How would you feel if it was your brother on the cross? People in that day were crucified or stoned. Our salvation comes only from what Jesus done on the cross. Why are you not a child of God? We serve a living God. We were all crucified with Him because Jesus died for all our loved ones and us.
Pastor went on to tell of the men from Emmaus who didn’t know Him at first until He revealed Himself to them. Their hearts burned when they found out who He was. Our hearts should burn with that kind of spirit in us. The disciples went to the others and declared that He had risen. Our account will be settled one way or the other. It will be heaven or it will be hell. ( Yes hell is real.)
How do you live your life? Are you on the right side of Jesus? There is an empty tomb to prove He lives.
After service there was an Easter egg hunt for the children. The youth hid the eggs for them. There were a lot of youth and children in church today. They each receive a bag of candy after the hunt.

Unity Of The Lakes

Unity of the Lakes is very blessed to have Rev. Sandra Duncan as our guest speaker this Sunday 4/7/24. Her service is "The Faculty of Wisdom" and the scripture reference is Joshua 24, "as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." The choice is always ours. What we want to learn, how we choose to live, how we rise out of limitation, lack and difficulty into a greater life. We want to learn that we can get right direction and good results, in the right time, as we use this spiritual gift. Join us for this uplifting service at 11 am and stay refreshments and fellowship following the service. Dress is casual and all are welcome. We are located 8 miles south of Warsaw on highway 65. Our physical address is 34948 Hwy 65 south. We promise to treat you so man ways you are bound to like one of them. Follow us on Facebook. We look forward to seeing you.

Hopewell Baptist Church

Romans 6:5-14 Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, and at the end, He was crucified. They put Him in a tomb and rolled a stone over it. On the third day, He rose and conquered sin for you, for me, and for everyone! He is risen, He is risen indeed!
As believers, those who have asked for forgiveness of sin, we have died a spiritual death and need to live in Him. When we pray and ask for forgiveness, our sins are still with Him, and we have conquered death with Him. Every creature that walks the earth will die, and Christ died once for all! When Jesus died, our sins died with Him. When He rose again, so did we! Jesus died for all! He died once to save all of mankind. Every single human that will ever walk on earth. He is enough! Confess to Jesus, we need Him, only He is sufficient! The events of Easter day will end but Jesus’ grace will never end.
If we are dead to sin and alive in Christ, why do we keep living like we are still dead to our sin. Satan shames us. We struggle with it every day. We hold on to it like that’s what defines us. This is a tool of Satan. The truth is we are more than the sum of the things we have or have not done. Our identity is in Christ. Don’t let sin reign in our lives. Humans sin but Jesus lives inside us. We are going to fall and make mistakes, and we are defined by the grace of Jesus Christ. We need to stop dwelling on the sin and move on. Surely there is a better way to move on. His grace was sufficient, then, now, and forever! Alive in the glory of Jesus Christ’s love. He forgives us once, for all! Let’s walk in the glory of Jesus!
Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m. and Sunday and Wednesday Bible Study at 6 p.m. Watch live at 11 a.m. each Sunday on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.