Church News


Warsaw Christian Church

They feared greatly and said to one another, “What kind of Man is He, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?
-Mark 4:41

The disciples are in a boat in a storm, and they are afraid. Jesus had been sleeping, but He arose and said, “Peace, be still” to the storm, and instantly, the waters were calm. Now, the disciples are even more afraid! They feared the storm, but they were even more fearful of this Man who could calm the storm with a word. They wonder, “What kind of Man is He…?” That was a good question. What kind of Man can calm a storm with a word? I can’t, can you?
This is just one of many proofs of Jesus' deity. He is God in human flesh, and the God who created the seas can calm them with a word. On a more personal note, He can also calm the storms in our lives. When things seem out of control, and we see no solution, turn to Jesus. He can speak to the storms that invade our lives and calm them with a word. Never declare, "This situation is hopeless." The word "hopeless" disappears from the vocabulary of those who trust Jesus.

From The Pastor's Desk

Somebody Told You Boys Wrong

If what you believed was wrong, would you want to know the truth?
Years ago, I was pond hopping in Arkansas with my two cousins, Roger and Max Raney. We were told that a certain man owned a pond that we wanted to fish. So we approached him at his home. We told him someone had told us that he owned the pond behind his house and that we needed to get permission from him in order to fish. Well, the man took offense to what we said and stated over and over again that "somebody told you boys wrong".
Well, Max, being a joker, went around the rest of the day everywhere we went, mocking the man by saying, '"somebody told you boys wrong" time and time again.
As I watched videos on social media this week concerning the eclipse, CERN, the flat earth, Bigfoot, aliens and lest not forget the ramblings of all of the would-be Bible scholars, I was reminded of the phrase, "somebody told you boys wrong".
Forty-five men were commissioned to make a better Bible in 1611 in England under the orders of King James I of England. Actually, 50 of some of the world's greatest scholars worked on the project. They were considered the greatest biblical language scholars of their time, bar none. Seven were childhood geniuses. These magnificent seven toiled day and night. After a ton of controversy over the years, the KJV is still the most read Bible in the world.
My point being, that they got some things right. They were too educated not to interpret the scriptures as a whole correctly. Do your homework.
Yeah, some say their manuscripts were faulty. I repeat, they got some things right, far more than they are given credit for among today's critics.
Having said that, my faith is not based on these extraordinary men. My faith is in God; II Peter 1:21, look it up.
I am Johnie J. Logue, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church at 31046 Highway MM in Warsaw, MO. My phone number is (660) 281-4775.

Unity Of The Lakes

This Sunday 4/14/24 Rev. Don will be at Unity of the Lakes and his service is "As You Tithe, You Prosper". Don't let the title scare you. This will be an enjoyable service that can help your spiritual growth. From challenging questions we may find our greatest blessings, if we are willing to hear. Service is 11 am, dress is casual and all are welcome. We are located 8 miles south of Warsaw on highway 65. Our physical address is 34948 Hwy 65 South. Come for service and stay for refreshments and fellowship. We would love to feed you in every way. Follow us on Facebook. We look forward to seeing you.

Lincoln First Baptist Church

It was a great day in church today. Another soul was saved today during altar call today. Praise God. We celebrated the Lord’s Supper today. Pastor Jesse explained the meaning of it before we started. If you aren’t saved you do not take part. We had great service today.
Let Go Of The Stone by John Anderson was played before the sermon. The stone you’re holding on to can bring you down. Letting go can bring you to Jesus. Pastor’s sermon was from Matthew 19:6. This talked about the rich man coming to Jesus and asking what he needed to do to be saved. He told Jesus he knew the commandments and Jesus told him to give away his possessions and follow Him. The rich man went away without being saved.
In Acts 26:24 Paul was talking to Fetus and King Agrippa. Paul witnessed to them but they didn’t respond to his preaching. King Agrippa told him that he almost persuaded him to accept Jesus. The king rejected what Paul said and was not saved as well as Fetus.
Paul knew how to speak to people. Jesus does everything in the open. It doesn’t matter what you done wrong but what you can do right. Get rid of the things dragging you down and make a change. Being a child of God calls for a change. God doesn’t count sin against us and will never bring it up again. Look ahead and don’t look back.
When you let go of the stone you will pop up. You can get out with Jesus’ hand to pull you out. If you are not willing there will be no change.

Hopewell Baptist Church

Matthew 17:22-27 Jesus has reminded the disciples of what is coming – the cross. Men of power come to find Jesus asking the disciples if their teacher pays Temple Tax, given to God as thanksgiving for bringing them out of bondage. It should be a one-time deal, but they continued to collect if forever. A man-made invention, not a God ordained thing. Peter answers, “yes”, but why would Peter speak for Jesus. Jesus has just told them that powerful men are coming to take him. Jesus doesn’t rebuke him but asks where do you think they collect their taxes from, their families or from others? The powerful people don’t collect from their powerful friends, they collect from the weak. Jesus then asks if they need to pay a tax for God’s house since everything we have already belongs to God. Jesus tells Peter, we don’t have to pay it because God’s house is taken care of, but so we don’t offend them, go to the lake, and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a coin. Take it and give it to them to pay my tax and yours. They had no home or source of income; they had nothing to pay with, but it wasn’t worth upsetting others.
There is sometimes a difference in knowing something and doing something about it. Jesus never talked about someone drinking alcohol or other such things and sometimes we create our own Temple Tax. Are we building Temple Tax or scripture. What is the limit we are willing to sacrifice ourselves to reach other for Jesus? Jesus is getting the disciples to think, and maybe thinking is something we as believers need to do. Why do we do the stuff we do. We shouldn’t get mad when some do it different than we do. Think more, read more, and pray more. Don’t write people off. We’ve got to get back to Jesus! Jesus is enough!
Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m. and Sunday and Wednesday Bible Study at 6 p.m. Watch live at 11 a.m. each Sunday on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.