City Administrator Outlines Unique Walking, Biking Trail System


In a short session Monday eve, City of Warsaw Administrator Randy Pogue discussed an ambitious plan to build a five foot wide walking and biking trail and "landscape calming" features in and around the city, through a projected RAISE project. He added that, with a fully described plan, city residents will be able to understand the project's vision, but cautioned that the plan is presently in a stage which is yet unfunded and it's costs could be beyond the monies which will become available. Yet this project, if it becomes reality, would address a long-standing concern among many for a trail that could serve other than motorized traffic.

The meeting opened at 6:00 PM, with Aldermen Lou Breshears, Rob Coskey, Adam Howe, Eric Flores present. Absent was Alderman Reba Slavens. Mayor Eddie Simons presided; City Clerk Jessica Kendall recorded.

First actions by the group were to approve the evening's agenda, March 18 meeting minutes, and payment of bills presented.

In new business, the group approved an ordinance which established that any actual or prospective bidder who is aggrieved in connection with the solicitation or award of a city contract may protest to the City Administrator, adding other provisions to the ordinance. Aldermen then approved a resolution for the City Administrator to submit a Transportation Assistance Program (TAP) grant in the amount of $600,000 for Main Street improvements. The city will contribute matching funds of $508,136 for a total project cost of $1,108,136. Administrator Pogue said the funds would fund a gap in Main Street improvement from Hackberry to Illinois streets, adding that this project will possibly take place in about two years.

In late session, the Administrator discussed a TAP update which would involve selection of an engineer to plan improvements to the south side of Main Street.

The group completed its open session at about 6:12 PM, followed by a closed executive session.

Visitors are welcome to the open sessions, usually held on 1st and 3rd Monday eves.