Fristoe News


This week has had some cold weather early on but by Saturday it has turned warmer and much nicer. Seeds that were put in the ground have come up and even able to be eaten, an example is lettuce and green onions on the table.

Prayer requests for this week: Cheri Lynn Boecher, Kathy First, Amber First, Carolee Apperson, Lewis and Judy Retherford, Gladys Harris, Curtis Allen and Mary Scarbrough.

Happy Birthday to Emily Hatcher, on April 6!

We received several notes from Gracie Yoder last week, bringing the community up to date. She sent beautiful pictures from Hobbitenango, Guatemala, and one day she made a list of what she has, and is in Christ. It is very impressive and shows how proud she feels in her missionary work! Please keep Gracie and her missionary team in your prayers.

I always appreciate when someone sends news that would be appreciated by people from the Fristoe area; I received such last week. Beth Bybee Arvidson, daughter of Joyce Bybee Brown notified this column that Turkey Creek Church of the Brethren in Fristoe will have activity around the building. It is this church's 135th anniversary. They will be installing new windows in the sanctuary. I will be including more of Beth's news next week!

The Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church had a blessed Easter Sunday morning on March 31. The church wishes and prays for more youngsters for their Sunday School. The Adult Sunday School class lesson was the Easter lesson. From John chapters 20 and 21 and Luke chapter 24. Great specials from Claude and others; Ken, DoBee and the Smiths; Larry and Ellen and Dave. The specials were all Easter based songs. Br. Smith's message from Luke 24 was very encouraging to everyone. He encouraged all of us to remember because there is hope, we must have faith.

Thought for this week: We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we GIVE!

We hope everyone who reads the Benton County paper has a safe, happy and very blessed week!