Have I Got A Line For You!

Well, well, well; the big $1.7 TRILLION funding bill passed to keep the government running. All kinds of money for everything but running the government. I couldn’t care less about Ukraine funding which is all the media can talk about. I do care about funding 87,000 IRS agents to track down $600 payments. I also care about it being 4,700 pages long and Congress not having time to debate it, much less read it. Soon, we’ll get to $40 TRILLION in debt. At some point we’ll lose our position as the global reserve currency and the positions we’ve pushed our Ponzi scheme currency into. At this point, Mexico will build a wall on their northern border to keep us out. Many taxpayers can’t afford gas, heat for their home, food and medicine. Instead, tax dollars are going to the Michelle Obama Trail, Ukrainian Freedom Park, border security for Yemen and millions for new fire alarms at the Metropolitan Opera. When are these people going to represent us? UNBELIEVABLE! President Biden says his economic plan is working. If destroying the middle class is his plan, I guess he’s right. 
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This was one of the funniest Christmas’s I’ve ever had and it brought laughter for 24 hours. I was at sister Julie’s in Lenexa, Kansas: Christmas Eve dinner planned. Christmas Day soup and sandwiches planned. I arrived at 5:30 PM. At 6:00 PM, Niece Gabrielle announced she was going to the grocery store to get items for both meals. Brother-in-law Steve reminded her that grocery stores were already closed. Gabrielle was under the impression they were open until 9:00 PM. She went out to see and came home with a box of Kraft macaroni and cheese from a convenience store. Fortunately, there was a rib roast warming in the oven. We had that with the macaroni, a can of green beans and a fine time. Gabrielle sent niece Maeve out to find something in Lenexa to make vegetable soup with. More guests were coming. She came back with cans of chicken noodle and vegetable soup from 7-11. Steve suggested we mix it all together, but Gabrielle didn’t think so. The White side of the family arrived Christmas afternoon expecting homemade soup like my Dad made. There wasn’t any. But a pizza shop opened! Hurrah! We had pizza! It was a great 24 hours that I’ll certainly remember. Family and lots of laughter are a big part of Christmas.
Speaking of the holidays, our neighbors in Canada had one on the 26th called Boxing Day. It was originally the day English gentry gave gifts to the people who worked for them and farmed their big estates. If we could have the day after Christmas in this country, we could call it Recovery Day. 
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Ach du lieber! It’s great to be alive. Bet there’s leftover candy and cookies in every office and home in town! Take care of yourself and have a Day of Recovery.  
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'Til Next Week: