OVEC Hosts 85th Annual Meeting For Members

Osage Valley Electric Cooperative held their 85th Annual Meeting on August 24, 2023, at the Benson Center in Clinton, Missouri.  Employees registered a total of 509 members online and in person.  BBQ sandwiches, chips, and cookies were served to approximately 650 members and their guests.  The Garden Party band entertained and impressed the crowd with the sounds of California country rock, oldies, classic country, and classic rock.
A backpack was given to those in attendance, as well as a $5.00 electric credit to each member registering in person and online. Credit certificates and other gifts were given away during the evening.  Jim Kalberloh and Michael Snow were each the lucky winners of a $250.00 electric credit certificate. The winner of the BOSE Quiet Comfort Earbuds II, donated by KAMO Electric, was Reggie Gregg.
The business meeting featured the election of three members to the Cooperative’s Board of Directors. All three incumbent directors were re-elected to the Board to serve three-year terms. They were David Rapp, representing Bates County, Darrell Dains, representing Bates County, and Joe Hilty, representing Henry/Johnson Counties.  
Ron Steuck, OVEC’s Board President, addressed members and guests referencing his written report provided in the program.  He then introduced Jarrod Campbell, CEO/General Manager, to present his report.  
Mr. Campbell addressed the membership, reflecting on the highlights of the past year which included the Cooperative’s efforts for an increased emphasis on the culture of safety, challenges faced by cooperatives regarding service reliability including an increase in demand for electricity, decreased electricity supply due to disorderly retirement and insufficient replacement of existing generation, permit delays preventing new electric infrastructure, supply chain challenges, and problems with natural gas availability.  Mr. Campbell informed the members we would be working  with our policy makers to ensure the national approach to energy remains focused on affordability and reliability.  Mr. Campbell also updated the members on OVEC’s broadband project being built in conjunction with Conexon Connect, noting his hope to complete the build by the 2nd quarter in 2024. In closing, Mr. Campbell thanked the cooperative members for being present at the annual meeting and for supporting the cooperative in their work.
There being no new business to address, Mr. Steuck called for a motion to adjourn, wishing the crowd safe travels home.