To See And Be Seen: Adults With Disabilities Empowered By Dance

The Shriners’ Building on Wildcat Drive was hopping on Saturday night as the Warsaw Shriner Club and the Center for Human Services hosted a Halloween party, “Pirates Of CHS” for young and old alike.
“Everyone had a great time,” said Chanisty Lambert, the community outreach coordinator for Pettis, Benton and Saline Counties.  “Our people just love to dress up and have fun.  They especially love to dance so we danced all evening.”
According to Lambert, 55 individuals served by the Center for Human Services participated in the Halloween party as well as parents, guardians and other volunteers.  Total attendance was around 100.
“Five students from Warsaw High School came out and volunteered to help decorate, serve food and help wherever they were needed,” said Lambert. “Two of the girls had to leave early to go cheer for the Wildcats at the football game but the others stayed to dance and enjoy the evening.”
The Shriners donated the use of the building as well as $500 for food and door prizes.
“We want to thank the Shriners for all their help as well as Chuck Allcorn who brought a huge pot of chili to top off our hot dogs,” said Lambert.  “So much of the food was donated that we were able to use most of the money for gift cards and prizes which we gave to all the participants at the party.”
The event was sponsored by the Center for Human Services Social Enrichment Committee and was open to all individuals receiving services from CHS and Mpower ServiceCoordination who are at least 16 years or older.  Spouses and guests of those individuals receiving services were welcome to come as well.
According to Lambert, there are several other social events planned for the year.  In the winter there will be a dress up Winter Ball then there are also plans for a movie night, bowling night, a spring dance and a trip to the rodeo.  A beauty pageant is also planned for later this winter.
“Our goal is to help disabled individuals to live a life beyond their limitations,” said Lambert.  “I have been an advocate most of my adult life and I encourage others to help.  We are always looking for volunteers.”
Anyone who would like to help with this outreach program can contact Lambert at