Most of us learn something new every day and that’s good. I learned recently…….well, I typed the preceding line yesterday afternoon and didn’t complete the sentence after the phone rang. I can’t remember what it was that I learned. I hope it’s not something that will cause disaster to rain down. But Washington D.C. is taking good care of us. Yes, indeed! Our government is spending $4 million for the Bahamian Museum of Arts and Culture in Nassau, Bahamas and $3.5 million to The Parade Co. for a new headquarters. This organization focuses on producing the annual Thanksgiving Day Parade in Detroit. Our elected leaders think federal spending should inflate both prices and parade balloons. UNBELIEVABLE! Maybe it would be a good thing to have the End Times come soon. Are these people crazy?
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Speaking of crazy, Hunter asked to subpoena President Trump, alleging “Unrelenting political interference in his case.” You have to hand it to Hunter, he certainly has CHUTZPAH! The show must go on! I guess this one is “Crazy Rich Crack Heads”……I mean Artists. Reminds me of the 1980’s commercial, “This is your brain on drugs.” It featured an egg scrambling in the pan. The only political interference has been from his father. Have you ever seen a family feel so entitled? I haven’t.
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Rickie Caswell was in the office this morning and said her long bed of tall, vibrant flowers have bitten the dust. They’re frosted and now brown and straggly. Thanksgiving is upon us and I read about a family in Kansas who grow Heritage Turkeys, the kind folks had on the dinner table years ago. They’re trying to save these old bloodlines and sell them in specialty stores at $7.00 per pound. The story explained that turkeys we buy today are bred to be very heavy breasted. Some of these birds grow so top heavy they can barely waddle around. I don’t believe I’ll buy a turkey that costs $7.00 per pound. However, beef lovers would pay that for a good prime rib in the blink of an eye. Speaking of heritage foods, this just came to mind. I remember Selma McDonald growing Kentucky Wonder Green Beans. She’d cook them with a bit of ham or slab of bacon with onions and potatoes, sometimes adding small red pepper flakes for kick.
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I’m wondering all over the place again. Have a pleasant day of Thanks and something you like to eat, read, watch or hear. Brace yourself! Christmas and New Year’s are waiting in the wings. More later Old Buddy.
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'Til Next Week: