Are we inching closer to the beginning of WWIII? With everything going on around the world, it wouldn’t surprise me. All of Europe is on the brink of war with Russia, China threatening Taiwan and now Iran attacking Israel. Isn’t the Ayatollah supposed to represent the religion of peace? Let’s hope our generals know what they’re doing, because all President Biden can say is, “Don’t.” Ah well, don’t worry about nuclear war, Uncle Joe probably can’t remember the codes.
I heard someone on the news say, “Once the Presidential Election is over, we can get back to normal.” Is there really any “Normal” anymore? We haven’t been normal in this country since before 9/11. Speaking of that infamous date, the House passed a two year extension of the FBI’s foreign surveillance tool. It’s not supposed to be used against Americans, but they’ve “Accidentally” done it 278,000 times. Yet another tool to slowly herd us all into the coral. How much freedom have we surrendered in the name of safety? Now we have secret courts and secret warrants. The headline ought to be, “The do-nothing House actually does something.” What about the budget and the border?
Ran across a special on the Titanic last night. It sank 110 years ago on April 14, 1912. Part of the cargo was a jeweled copy of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. The only verse I can recall is from the middle of that poem. It started out with, “Up to the 7th Gate I Rose.” The documentary featured a chef who re-created menu items that were served onboard. One of them was Chicken Ala Maryland. Something I’d never heard of and I asked Kim Hanson in the Clinton Office if she had. “You’ve come to the right place!” she said. Her sister Brenda has fixed this dish at family gatherings in Connecticut. Its fried chicken cooked in a cast iron skillet with a small amount of grease. After it’s browned, the chicken is covered so it steams as well as fry’s. Milk or cream is then added to the pan juices to make gravy. Sounds good, doesn’t it?
The morning wanders on aimlessly. It’s better than one nearing stroke proportions, though I do enjoy those and am pleased when I get everything done. Despite it all, have a perfectly swell day Old Buddy.
Til Next Week: