Tracey Spry said she was “antiquing” over the weekend and discovered a LIFE magazine dated April 23, 1945, with a picture of President Harry Truman on the cover. President Roosevelt died not many days before that at Warm Springs, Georgia. She also ran across an issue of LOOK dated November 17, 1964. This was almost a year after President Kennedy was shot in Dallas. A picture of Mrs. Kennedy and John Jr. are on the cover. The content of these two magazines with their articles and advertisements was fascinating to look at.
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IRS audits are going up, way up, but the world’s largest legal crime syndicate says it’s only for the wealthy. Confused? So am I. If it’s only the wealthy they’re going after, why did they lower the reporting requirements down to $600? Sell something you bought years ago and paid tax on for $601 and the IRS wants to know about it. They need to squeeze every nickel out of us serfs. Israel, Ukraine and the “newcomers” flowing across our open border are counting on it. Members of Congress should be subject to audits at least once during each term of office and automatically in the year following their leaving Congress. Claiming average taxpayers will not be targeted under this massive IRS expansion is just another lie. We feel the pain while the cronies in D.C. hide behind the very laws they write to target us. You betcha!
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Well, those “peaceful” campus protesters seem awfully violent. Remember a few years ago when protests were described as “mostly peaceful”? Now it’s “non-violent”. What’s next, “trustworthy, loyal helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty and brave”? Now they’re seeking amnesty to keep arrests and suspensions from trailing them. The snowflakes are dealing with the consequences of their actions, probably for the first time in their lives. These colleges aren’t doing them any favors by backing off the suspensions and expulsions. They’ve earned them! Could be the most important lesson they learn from the college experience. Ah well, what else could we have expected? These kids have been taught that playing the victim and being obnoxious is a virtue. Maybe we shouldn’t change the rules on them mid-game.
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So Tippecanoe and Tyler too! Have a good day Old Buddy, despite the rogues and false piety on our campuses and in the Capital.
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'Til Next Week: