Well, guess what? Swiss scientists found bones from a giant camel when they were digging in Syria. They may have discovered a new species of them. The bones seem to be from much larger camels than we have today, about as tall as a giraffe. There were more than 20 bones from different layers of rock, leading them to believe they lived in the area for thousands of years. Fascinating to think about and I remember a few years ago when we thought war was imminent with the Syrians.
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Speaking of war, I saw several excellent Vietnam War movies over the weekend, including “We Were Soldiers.” Those who beat war drums should stand in from of the Vietnam Memorial in D.C. for a while. Yes, yes, I know we’re only sending aid to Ukraine…for the moment. Let’s hope we never get pulled into an endless engagement again. President Eisenhower warned us about the power wielded by “A vast military industrial complex.”
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Let’s stay on the military. Browsing through our archives I ran across a story about Lieutenant Commander Jack Callaway of the U.S. Navy. He was a Clinton resident and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. He drowned in an S-4 Submarine in 1928 off the New England Coast. His body was found in the engine room with 16 other men and his watch stopped just 12 minutes after the accident. Before his fatal trip, he was in charge of the inspection and testing of submarines in Washington. Lt. Commander Callaway was on an inspection trip when his submarine was struck by a patrol boat.
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President Trump says the New York courtroom he’s being tried in is freezing. He should ask the very conflicted judge about bringing in a space heater. It will combat the communist cold air while he sits through this insane trial in front of a “Jury of his peers.” He’s been accused of trying to interfere with an election for paying money to kill a story in 2016. Okay….but the payment wasn’t made until 2017 after he was elected. Judge Merchan who is overseeing the case made donations to President Biden’s campaign. This is called a “Hush money” trial because there is no element of an actual crime, otherwise it would be called the “Insert” crime trial.
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Here we are in a brand new month. My Grandmother White used to call it, “The merry month of May.” Listen Old Buddy, may it be the best month you’ve had in 2024.
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'Til Next Week: