Report: Representative Jim Kalberloh, 126th District

As we head down the final stretch, many political maneuvers are being used and deployed as we head into the final two weeks. As usual, the remaining budget bills, the House and Senate did not agree upon, so they are headed to conference committee, which is a committee of both Representatives and Senators and they will negotiate and compromise and hopefully come to an agreement. The House sent the Senate a $45.6 billion budget and the Senate sent us back a $50 billion budget. Some of the differences are the Senate added almost $2 billion to the I-70 project, over what the house budgeted, some of that money being bonded money. The Senate also added in $300 million for a new psychiatric hospital in Kansas City. They also added $29 million to raise the minimum teacher salary to $38,000.00 and also $43 million and $25 million for a new veterinary hospital and research slaughterhouse at the University of Missouri. These differences will be worked out by next Friday, as that is the deadline for the budget to be done. I will give a more lengthy and detailed report in the next two weeks as many of the bills will cross the finish line then.
I am honored to serve as your Representative in the Missouri House. If at any time, you have questions, concerns or ideas regarding state government, please feel free to contact me at 573-751-5388 or