Anita's Column

When you go through a difficult time, people often say, “If there is anything I can do for you, please call”.  Well, on Sunday my son and son-in-law were trying to bale some fall hay near our house.  Our boss man of course was not here to tell them how to run our old baler and they were having trouble.  The hay had already been raked and it needed to be baled so I called Kelly Estes at Fristoe and asked him if he could come to Warsaw and take a look at our baler.
Kelly was actually working in a hay field in Fristoe, but he agreed to come to Warsaw after he finished and take a look at the baler.  He came with his dad, helped the guys to tighten the baler belts and Stan was able to bale up the hay we had down.
Kelly also offered to move hay for me from Fristoe that we would need at the Warsaw farm this winter.  This is just one example of what I love about our little community; neighbors help neighbors.  I don’t know how I could live through this time without the love and support of my family and friends.  
Thank you all.