Have I Got A Line For You!

Last week's World Economic Forum in Switzerland  was something to follow. Al Gore warned us about rain bombs and boiling oceans. Didn't Al predict they were supposed to boil off in 2010? He flew in on a private jet bought with money he makes from selling this tripe. Sure we need to take care of the planet, but the climate has changed since the Earth was formed. Many places have been under water millions of times and we have had ice ages and extreme heat over the our history. Al is probably most upset that we're not paying a climate tax to add to his fortune. Meanwhile, John Kerry said that an "Extra Terrestrial Force" brought people to Davos to "Save the planet." Not hard to see why and where this is all going. Won't be long until we have zero emission ghost towns and our jobs and CO2 exported to China while we sit and shiver. These well fed sociopaths didn't have an ounce of empathy for the thousands who lost their livelihoods when the Keystone Pipeline was cancelled. What's going to happen when we get to the other side of Weimar America? The chickens are coming home to roost when  us deplorables blame someone for the poverty and misery. Bet it won't be Donald Trump. 
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There is other news though. Alec Baldwin has been charged with involuntary man slaughter for shooting the director on his movie. Alec says it wasn't his fault. Okay......when the gun was put in his hand, didn't it become his responsibility? Aren't the two basic rules of gun safety to check the chamber for ammunition and never point the gun at anyone? I remember when a police officer accidentally discharged his weapon and Alec called him a "Murderer and killer." What would have happened if the scene called for him to put the gun to his head and pull the trigger? Would he have take someone's word that it was safe?
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Here's a thought that just popped into my mind. Wouldn't it be nice if the moon in each state was a slightly different color? Think of the trips we could make to see some other state's moon and the spirited argument over whose moon is better. I wonder why God didn't think of this. Dwell on that today. Beats worrying about the State of the Union or when we'll have to learn to speak Chinese. Speaking of the Almighty, I remember a picture called "The Angelus" that hung on many walls, including classrooms. It depicted farmers pausing in the field to pray when the church bells rang at noon. That picture probably couldn't be on classroom walls now, famous old painting or not. 
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Time to close up shop for the day and bid you adieu. Take care old buddy and we'll see what's coming around the bend. Whether we’ll like it or not, who knows.
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 'Til Next Week: