Have I Got A Line For You!

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers….Friends, Romans, Countrymen lend me your ears….So when thy summons come join that innumerable caravan which moves to that mysterious realm and the tintinnabulation of the bells. Sometimes, I feel like reciting everything I’ve memorized over the years to take my mind “off things.” Like what is going to happen in our country and what kind of lives future generations are going to have. Will our Constitution have just flown out the window and up into the ether and be a magnificent thing that once was? I don't believe I'm the only one worried about this; not by a long shot.
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All kinds of crazed things happening. Hunter Biden's plea deal fell apart at the 11th hour. The judge smelled a rat and started asking questions. Isn’t it amazing that both the judge and the whistle blowers said, “We’ve never seen anything like this?” The White House won't comment because, "Hunter is a private citizen." Okay...but he showed up in a six car, taxpayer funded motorcade with Secret Service protection and lives in the White House. Taxpayer money being used to pay for a private citizen who's in court because he doesn't pay his taxes.  Makes sense in this woke world. After Hunter hit the headlines for his corrupt plea deal, The Donald was charged with another count in the documents case. This charge was for attempting to delete video footage at his Mar-a-Lago home.  Surely if they're his cameras he can delete what he wants. Wonder what's next for the 1984 Mob? Soon, we won't be allowed to delete our browsing history either. UNBELIEVABLE! The Hollywood strikers are out because script writers and "Imagineers" are busy inventing  things against President Trump. They're determined to catch him on something. What are they all so afraid of?
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This might be strange to the rest of the world, but in the U.S.A. it’s called Tuesday. A naked woman began firing a gun on a San Francisco bridge. Remember a time when you could say, "Well, you don't see that every day?" Now most of us don't blink an eye at some of this.  She will probably get invited to do the commencement speech at Berkley next year. 
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GALACTIC NEWS! A whistleblower testified about a secret UFO Retrieval Program. In less than 150 years we've gone from horse and buggy to sending robotic missions around the Solar System. Imagine a civilization with a 1,000 year head start. Fascinating to think about. We probably shouldn't stir up trouble where trouble doesn't exist. I'll bet if they wanted to communicate they would have done so by now.  If extraterrestrials did make themselves known, how would our politicians and media react? Hysteria and lockdowns come to mind. Could something big be about to happen? 
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Hard to believe, but the month of August has arrived. Where does the time go? That old buddy is a centuries old question. Hang in there and we'll see what happens next. Whatever it is, it's bound to be interesting. Stay watchful. 
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'Til Next Week: