Warsaw Christian Church
“….that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world."
-Philippians 2:15
Paul reminds us of what we are called to be and what we can be as disciples of Jesus. As children of God, we must be blameless, harmless, and without fault. Even if we live in a society characterized by wickedness, we are to shine as lights in our world. How is this possible? There are two sides to this situation.
First, how do we live blameless lives? We know that as Christians, we still fall short of God’s will and are not blameless. The answer is simple. When we see that we have offended God, we immediately repent and turn to God for forgiveness, asking Him to help us live in harmony with His will. Then, as our sins are forgiven, we stand before God, blameless.
Second, we have been given the Gift of the Holy Spirit. As we live relying on His presence and power at work in us, our light shines even brighter. We can live life at a higher level as Christians. Our faith is suspect if we are not living a higher life than those who do not know the Savior. So, let your light shine so others may be drawn to the Savior.
From The Pastor's Desk
A Man that is a Heretic . . .
-Titus 3:10
Is There A Real Preacher In the House?
(A heretic is someone who teaches something opposed to accepted beliefs)
I understand the heretics being out there but I cannot believe so many people follow their every word. One recently called God a liar and another said Jesus was illiterate and that we have no eye witnesses of his life. One said he was God. These men have millions of followers.
Apparently, God lied when he said Adam would surely die if he ate the fruit of the garden. Excuse me, he died a spiritual death.
Jesus read from the scroll in the temple and Peter and John were eyewitnesses of the Lord Jesus.
I understand there is an eclipse somewhere in the world all of the time and we never talk about those. Oh, yes, by the way, we are still here. Wow!
One guy related April 8 to Exodus 4:8 and another man said that the earthquake that measured at 4.8 was a sign for our April 8.
Their churches are packed and their Social Media sites have millions of followers.
Also,it seems, God speaks to people in their cars and he gives them a word of prophecy. I wish he would tell them how to drive.
I could go on and on about the strange messages on social media. However, I would just like to invite you to Grace Baptist Church at 31046 HWY MM, four miles outside of Warsaw MO. I promise not to be radical but to simply preach the message of the Lord Jesus Christ that has been preached for hundreds of years by reasonable students of the Bible. You can call me at (660) 281-4775. Our services on Sunday are at 10:00 AM,11:00 AM and 4:00 PM.
By the way, Judas never called Jesus Lord.
Lincoln First Baptist Church
The weather is finally warming up. Sunday school is going great. We had an average attendance of 20 for March. The ladies class had a visitor today. We hope she comes back to join us. Many are on the prayer list in need or your prayers. We will have a baptism on April 28 of a mother and daughter who has accepted the Lord as their Savior. They want to be baptized in the creek. We will gather at a friends house on that day.
Pastor’s message was about Joseph and his life. Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son. His brothers sold him into slavery because they were jealous of him. Joseph ended up in the King’s service and was eventually second in command to the king. A famine came upon the land and Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt for food. They didn’t know who Joseph was. Over the course of time they found out he was their brother.
Joseph told the king what his dreams meant. There was to be a famine in the land. 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine. Joseph was put in charge of storing enough food for everyone around the country. Joseph loved God and continued to pray to Him even in the situation he was in. We get content where we are. God has work for you to do.
God gives you all you have. Jesus is all there is to hang on to. Overcome the world by love. Which way do you want to go heaven or hell? Jesus can forgive anything. Jesus gets it right the first time. Only one person can save you.
Unity Of The Lakes
Unity of the Lakes is very blessed to have Rev. Diana Kennedy as our guest speaker this Sunday 4/21/24. Her service is "Walking in the World". As we attune to the Spiritual life and Christ life within us, we expand our consciousness and live from the frequency of the Divine. This is a service that is certain to help us in every way to live and express the divinity we are. Service is 11 am, dress is casual and all are welcome. Please come for the service and join us afterword's for refreshments and fellowship. We are located 8 miles south of Warsaw on highway 65. Our physical address is 34948 Hwy 65 South. We look forward to seeing you. Unity is a link in the great educational movement inaugurated by Jesus Christ and we invite you to come grow with us. Follow us on Facebook.
Hopewell Baptist Church
In Matthew 18:1-9, the disciples come to Jesus and ask, “who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” Jesus has been teaching and preaching about Heaven and finally, some of it is starting to sink in. The disciples have seen Jesus for who He really is, and they think they know the answer, but Jesus has a little child stand among them and tells them, unless they change and become like the little child, they will never enter Heaven. And, that whoever humbles themselves like this child, is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. If we want to participate in the Kingdom of Heaven, we must humble ourselves as little children. We need to admit we need constant help. We can’t be bigger than our sins – we need Jesus.
Jesus goes on to warn about causing children or other believers being led away from Jesus. Jesus takes this very seriously. Jesus doesn’t say things about others. He is talking about each of us. If there is something in our lives leading us astray – remove it, especially if it is infectious to others. He doesn’t ask us to look at others but to ourselves. Jesus desires people should die an earthly death but to remain alive in Christ. Jesus wants us to have a moment of deep, personal reflection – where is our sin and why does it keep happening? Everyone has sin but it doesn’t change who Jesus is. Some of us will always struggle because Satan has figured out how to get to us. When was the last time we ask Jesus to remove our sins? It’s not what God desires of us. We need to humble ourselves like little children. Let’s grab Jesus’ hand and let Him take us where we need to go. Let Jesus walk us out of it. Jesus, lead me away from the things I’m attracted to. Do we take our sin serious, are like the little children who need Jesus?
Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m. Immediately following Morning Worship, join us for a catered lunch, a fun-filled afternoon for the entire family, with our Children’s Program at 4:30 p.m. and Adult Bible Study at 5:00 p.m. Our mid-week Bible study is Wednesday at 6 p.m. Watch our service live at 11 a.m. each Sunday on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.