Fristoe News


The Fristoe area had a good week of weather, at least temperature-wise. Friday and Saturday night's had lots of rain but compared to last year and the dry time it was, these rains are definitely being considered a thankful blessing.

There is much activity around the Fristoe area in the way of several homes being built. Although no names will be mentioned homes are being built on Angus Road and on Hereford Road.

The Fristoe area sends sympathy to the Climax Springs area on the death of Johnny Smith. Johnny is the brother of Vickie Cline, Dixie Moppin and Ronnie Smith, which have all three passed on. Sending love and prayers to his wife Linda.

Prayers being asked this week are about the same; Kathy First, Amber First, Carolee Apperson, Cherie Boecher, Gladys Harris, Curtis Allen and Mary Scarbrough!

Happy birthday to anyone having a birthday this week!

The Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church had visitors on Sunday, April 28, being Peter and Pam VanDerDecker. The VanDerDecker's are missionaries who work in Papaya, New Guinea and the Fristoe Lighthouse has supported them for over 25 years. The church was introduced to this family when most of the church was attending church at Concord Church, south of Fristoe. The VanDerDecker family began attending Sunday School and Sunday morning and evening services when Br. Walter Admire and wife Doris were the pastor's there. This family was training in language and when they were able to know some of the language, they prepared to go to Papaya, New Guinea. This family has four boys and one daughter. This happened around 1995 or 96 and the Lighthouse Church has supported the VanDerDecker family ever since. They have come back from New Guinea on furloughs every few years and always come by to visit the Fristoe Church. The Concord Church closed and the congregation moved to the Lighthouse Church in 2000, continuing with support of the VanDerDecker family. The church was blessed with a wonderful program Sunday morning.

Speaking of missionary, we hear from Gracie Yoder each week and we are expecting her to be home from Guatemala at the end or close to the end of May. Continue to keep her and her team in prayers.

The Lighthouse Church served lunch after church service on Sunday in honor of the missionaries. Everyone had a great meal and fellowship

Thought for the week: The first step to being wise is being quiet; the second is listening!

Hope every one has a wonderful week! Be Kind to all!