Fristoe News

This week the Fristoe area was blessed with rain on Saturday night with some in the area receiving half an inch and others having an inch.  People sure mentioned it was a wonderful touch for the late gardens.  Neighbors and friends are sharing the produce that is coming out of the gardens with some freezing while others are doing the canning of the produce.  
Prayers this week for the daughter of Matt and Holly Henderson, Lewis and Judy Retherford, Carolee Apperson, Gladys Harris, Delores Prater, Easter Willis, Curtis Allen and Mary Scarbrough.
Mary Scarbrough's grandchildren, as a birthday present, bought and had it delivered and worked on, a nice sidewalk from her front porch to the driveway.  It makes it so much easier for her to get with  her walker from house to cars.  She is very proud of those grandchilden.
Gracie Yoder sent us word that she is in her fourth week of training camp for her Mission Work. As mentioned last week, she is in Gainesville, Georgia.  They are busy with learning sessions on "sharing the gospel" and also "studying cultural differences". We ask all our readers to keep Gracie in prayers for her work in the mission field.
Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse held a Brush Arbor Revival Thursday thru Sunday night last week.  It was a spirit filled time with pews and chairs all full. Saturday night the service was moved from outdoor Arbor to inside because of rain BUT in the middle of the sermon Br. Dave Cunningham was preaching, warnings began to come across people's phones that our area was under a tornado warning and take cover in basements etc.  We in the church just kept right on praying and singing and Bro. Dave just kept right on preaching.  Wonderful gospel music preaching and praying filled the air. God Blessed each and everyone! The Pastor Tony Smith said on Sunday night for everyone to stay tuned because it would be back in the Spring. The church had regular Sunday morning service with Sunday school and worship service.  Sunday School studied in Genesis Chapter 37 about Joseph and his brothers.  Br.
Smith brought his message from 1 Kings about Jehosophat. Very good message.
Thought for the week:   Those that bring sunshine to others can't help but shine it around themselves.
Hope everyone that reads Fristoe News gets a blessing and you all have a great week!