Fristoe News

The weather this week has been really nice until Saturday and hot air moved back into the area. The forecast seems to say it will stay in the upper 80's-lower 90's for several days. The garden produce is coming to the vines and plants in abundance supply. Neighbors have even had watermelon (good watermelon) on their vines.  I was raised on the land where I live and my mom and I planted seeds in the garden dirt more than once and we were never able to get a  product from one vine.  Cucumbers, zucchini, even pumpkin, but never one watermelon.  
Remember: The Pentecostal Lighthouse Church will be holding Revival Services (BRUSH ARBOR REVIVAL) beginning on Thursday, September 21 through Sunday, September 24 starting at 6:00 PM each evening!
Prayers for this week are: Delores Prater, Judy Retherford, as she was taken to the hospital in Kansas City on Saturday afternoon.  Bob Jackman, Kathy First, Russ Weeks, Lewis Retherford, Carolee Apperson, Gladys Harris, Easter Willis, Curtis Allen, and Mary Scarbrough!
The Fristoe area was busy for the weekend with visiting family and friends because it was the Labor Day weekend. Schools were having sports, such as Warsaw football, who won their game on Friday night against Versailles.  Other area teams won, some lost.  Teams will be playing football, volleyball, softball and even soccer this coming week! 
The Warsaw area held the annual Rodeo the past weekend. However, for the first time in several years, there weren't any contestants in any category from the Fristoe area.
News from the Gracie Yoder blog:  she is now in the state of Georgia preparing herself to be ready to go into the actual mission work. We are so thankful that Gracie is going to share with us tid-bits now and then about her activities.  The Fristoe area is very proud of Gracie and her mission work!
The Fristoe Lighthouse Church had nearly every one of regular attendees back on Sunday.  There had been three out earlier in the week because of teeth problems. They were in church Sunday morning.  The church ladies (when they hear of a need)  are quick to get together and provide anything they can to meet the need.  Get in touch with any of these great ladies if you would like to join our group OR if there is a need we can help with. Specials were, 
Claude and the Lighthouse Singers (-Delores as she didn't feel like singing) sang "This World Is Not My Home" and did a wonderful job. DoBee, Brenda, Ken and Tony were fantastic on "Never Been This Homesick Before" and Dave Cunningham sang a very spiritual hymn.  The Sunday School started a new unit entitled Early Israelite History and began with Abraham and how God is always so much to keep promises He makes. We learned from Abraham that obedience and true faith are inseparable.  Br. Smith's message was from the book of Esther Chapter 3.  
Thought for the week: The greatest possession you have is the 24 hours right in front of you!  Ecclesiastes:  3:17 There is a time for every purpose and every work!  
Hope everyone reading this has a great week!