Warsaw Mathletes Medal At MSU's 52nd Annual Pummil Relays


The Warsaw mathletes traveled to Missouri State University on April 10 for the 52nd Annual Pummill Relays. There were 21 schools with over 400 mathletes that our math club competed against. This competition brings out some strong competition from all over the state of Missouri.

This is the last competition for the seniors: Lovlie Haidusek (president), Alyson Alcantara (secretary), Hannah Wooldridge (treasurer), Erin Goodpaster, and Charlotte Alspaugh. The juniors who attended were Ashlynn Adams (vice-president), Jaxson Deckard, and Michael Schliefert. The sophomores had a strong showing with the following competitors: Jessie Bilderback, Brayden Henderson, Elsie Hughes, Wesley Jackson, and Serenity Miller. The freshman rounded out the team with Levi Bilderback, Jordan Dove, Eden Gilley, Jasmin Myers, Elizabeth Winters, and Aleanah Yoder.

The Geometry team earned a silver medal. The following students were a part of that team: Jordan Dove, Elsie Hughes, Serenity Miller, and Elisabeth Winters. The Algebra team brought home a GOLD medal! Levi Bilderback, Eden Gilley, Jasmin Myers, and Aleanah Myers earned that top award.